AMU Old Boys' (Alumni) Association - Aligarh [The Parental Body]

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AMU'S Old Boys Association Membership



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1. NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION: The Association shall be called the Aligarh Muslim University Old Boys’ (Alumni) Association. It shall have its headquarters at Aligarh.

2. OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION: The objects of the Association shall be:-

(i) to afford a meeting ground to the Alumni of the University and Old students of the late M.A.O College and the Collegiate School:                                                    

(ii) to provide ways and means for cultural contact with the outside World in general and educational institutions in particular leading to a wider cultural outlook;

(iii) to help and promote the advancement of special branches of learning such as Engineering, Medicine and such other branches and interests as the Association may form time to time include;

(iv) to stimulate contacts with the Old boys’ the students and the staff of the University and its allied institutions;

 (v) to assist financially, as far as possible by means of Education loans,

Scholarship and other material assistance.

 Principally such dependents of Old Boys’ as may be in need thereof, and

Other deserving and promising students of Muslim University and its allied institutions:

(vi) to make every possible contribution to the educational expansion and cultural advancement of the Country in general and the University in particular; and

(vii) to secure for the Association adequate statutory representation in the University Court.

 3. SECURING THE OBJECTS: The above objects shall be secured: -

 by holding annual and extraordinary meeting of the Association at Aligarh;

by holding Old Boy’s re-union whenever and wherever it may be desirable;

by rising subscription and inviting donations and other contributions for furthering the objects of the Association;

by taking into its custody and administration such funds as may be entrusted to the Association by an Old Boy for the education of his children and administering the same for that purpose;

by establishing branches of the Association wherever possible;

by appointing Sub-Committees of the Central Executive Committee of its own members and members of the Association connected with the branches of learning and interests referred to in clause 2 (iii) in order  to enable the Association to carry out the objects given in that clause and providing for the working thereof in the bye-laws;

by establishing a library with the object of collecting all available literature and other writings and books by Old Boys and other connected with the Aligarh Muslim Movement;

by publishing a journal of its own;

by holding functions at which notable person and scholars, Indian or foreign, may be invited;

by establishing contacts with similar bodies and other educational or cultural institutions; and

By adopting other methods for advancing the objects of the Association.


The membership of the Association shall be open: -

to all Old boys not below 18 years of age who have been whole time regular students of the Aligarh Muslim University or its maintained institutions for  at least one academic year or who had their names on the roll of the late M.A.O,College or the than Collegiate School.Providedd they are longer students of the University.

To person who has rendered distinguished services to the University or the Association, who may be enrolled as honorary members of the Association by the Central Executive Committee.

To person who have donated a sum of Rs.5000/- or more to the Association,

No person shall be admitted to the membership of the Association if he has been guilty of gross misconduct in relations to the affairs of the University or the Association,

5. CLASSES OF MEMBERS: there shall be four classes of members: -

ORDINARY MEMBERS: Every Old Boy who pays Rs.5/- as admission fee and a monthly subscription of Rs.5/-shall be an ordinary member of the Association,

    LIFE MEMBER: -An Old Boy who pays the admission fee Rs.5/- and in addition pays an amount of Rs.600/- . each shall become a life member of the Association. He shall enjoy all privileges of a member on payment of first instalment, if such person fails to pay an installment when due, he shall be allowed to enjoy the privilege of a member for a maximum period of tow years; after which he shall forfeit claims to life Membership but may be allowed to continue as an ordinary member on payment of usual subscription.

Provided that the Old Boy who had applied for the enrolment of Life Membership of the Association and have deposited at least first installment of the Life Membership fee shall continue to be governed by the Old Rules of the Association relating to membership fee.

Provided further that the aforementioned rates of subscriptions shall come into force w.e.f.1.1.1985 and till that time the Old rates of subscription shall continue to the operative.

HONORARY MEMBERS: Person defined in clause 4(i) (b) shall be honorary members of the Association.

DONOR MEMBERS: persons defined in Rule 4(i) may be enrolled by Central Executive Committee, as Donor Member, They shall be called Donor Members,

Provided that the honorary and donor members shall be entitled to attend the annual, extra ordinary or other meetings of the parent Association and to the use of Old Boys’ Lodge subject to the Bye-Laws framed under Rule 21(viii), But they shall not have the right to vote or to contest, for any elected position of the Association.

Provided that a member of Branch Association shall be entitled to be enrolled as an ordinary or life member of the parent Association, if he pays an admission fee Rs.5/- and 5o% of the normal subscription of the parent Association in order to facilitate the provision of clause 14 (iv).

6. ENROLMENT AS MEMBER: All applications for enrolment as member of the Association shall be addressed to the Honorary General Secretary of the Association in Farm I, who after satisfying himself about the genuineness of the

Contents of the application, shall place the same before the next meeting of the Central Executive Committee, and the committee, keeping in view the all Character of the University, shall pass resolution to enroll or not enroll any applicant as member of the association and the decision of the Committee shall be final

CESSATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Any member, whose subscription shall have been in arrears for a period exceeding three months, shall be served with a notice by the Honorary General Secretary, to pay the due arrears within one month of the receipt of the notice. Failing such payment. the membership of the member concerned shall terminate automatically. The membership may however, be renewed, if the member concerned pays a penalty of Rs.30/- and the arrears calculated upto date of payments.


No member shall be allowed to continue as such if three fourths of the members present of the Central ExecutiveCommittee, on a motion brought and seconded for the purpose, declare such member

to be guilty of gross misconduct in relation to the affairs of the University, or

to be guilty of conduct amounting to disloyalty to the Association.

(ii)On receipt of such motion the Honorary General Secretary shall forward to the member so sought to be disqualified a copy of the motion and shall notify to him the date of the meeting of the Central Executive Committee called his explanatory statement, if any by a specified date. The concerned to state if he desires to be heard personally in addition to submitting his explanatory statement.

If no statement is received within the specified time from the member ,the Central Executive Committee shall proceed to consider the question and take such decision as it deems proper, If the statement has been received and ,if  the member has also asked permitted present  his case personally in addition, the Central Executive Committee shall give such member an  opportunity to appear personally before the Committee to clarify the explanatory statement already submitted by him and to answer such other questions as the Committee may deem fit to put to him.

The decision of the Central Executive Committee shall, in all cases, be final.


(i) (a)     The Central Executive Committee of the Association shall consists of the Office bearers, the Editor of the Association’s jurnal,if any ,ex –officio members and  25 members of whom at least 10 shall be residing out side Aligarh,

Providing that among the elected members residing in Aligarh there shall be at least one to represent each of the special branches of learning or intrestt, refered to in Rule 2(ii).

Providing further those only three Honorary General Secretaries who had held Office for a full term of three years during the last three terms shall be ex-officio members of the Central Executive Committee.

Secretaries of the Sub-Committee, which may be formed under 3(vi) shall also be ex-officio members of the Central Executive Committee for the duration of the term of such Committee.

(ii)(a) The following shall be the office bearers of the Association: -

(a) Hony.President                                                        (One)

(b) Hony.Sr.Vice-President                                           (One)

© Hony.Vice-President                                                  (two)    

(d) Hony.Genral Secretary                                            (One)

(e) Hony Joint Secretaries                                           (three)

(b) The President, the Sr, Vice-President and Vice Presidents shall be elected by the Central Executive Committee for a period of three years from the date of their election.

Provided that at least one Vice-President and one Joint Secretary shall be from amongst the members residing outside U.P and only one joint Secretary shall be the resident of Aligarh, who shall officiate as General Secretary in his absence.


The ordinary meeting of the Central Executive committee shall be convened by the Hony.General Secretary at least once in a quarter.

Emergent and special meetings may also be convened by Hony.General Secretary,

A requision meeting shall be convened by the Hony.General Secretary within 10 days of the date of receipt of a requision letter signed by at least 8 members of the Central Executive committee, In case the Hony.General Secretary fails to convence such a meeting within the specified time the president may convence the meeting. In case the President also fails to convence the meeting within the next fortnight the requisioners may convence such meeting of the Central Executive Committee, themselves.

Notice of the ordinary and requision meeting shall be issued at least 15 days in advance of the date of the meeting while notice of emergent and special meeting shall be issued at least 5 days in advance before the meeting.

At all meetings of Central Executive Committee, 10 members inclusive of the Office bearers and ex-officio members shall for a quorum.

A local member of the Central Executive Committee (including ex-officio members) who fails to attend four ordinary meetings consecutively without any reasonable cause shall cease to be a member of the Central Executive Committee.

An outside member of the Central Executive Committee who fails to attend the meeting of the Committee, with out any reasonable cause, for six ordinary meetings, consequentively shall cease to be a member of the Central Executive committee.


(i) All office-bearers of the Association and members of the Central Executive Committee shall be elected from amongst the members of the Association at an annual meeting every three years and shall be eligible for re-election, provided that if, for any reason, an election has not been held at such annual meeting, an extraordinary meeting of the Association shall be called within three months of such annual meeting for the purpose of electing the office-bearers of the Association and the Central Executive Committee and the office-bearers and the Central Executive Committee whose term was due to expire at the annual meeting shall continue in office till the election of new office-bearers and Central Executive Committee such extraordinary meeting of the Association.

Casual Vacancies of office-bearers and members of the Central Executive Committee shall be filled by election at the next annual meeting for the unspent tenure of office.

The Central Executive Committee in case of vacancies occurring during the year shall have the right to fill them up temporarily and the persons so elected shall act as such till next meeting.


Only persons who have been members of the Association for a continuous period of six month at the time of election shall be eligible to vote at such election and to stand for election as office-bearers of the Association and members of the Central Executive Committee.

No member, who is in arrears for a period of three months. shall be eligible for election or for holding or continuing to hold any office in the Association or any office in a representative capacity or otherwise in any committee or court of the University by virtue of his membership of the Association.

NOMINATION FOR ELECTION= Every nomination for election as Office –bearer of the Central Executive Committee or member of the University Court Shall be  in the prescribed From No-2 and shall be duly proposed and seconded by member who are themselves eligible to vote and shall be accompanied  by a written declaration of the person nominated agreeing to be so nominated.


Voting at election shall be by ballot. It may be either by post or in person (except in elections to the University court, which shall be always by postal ballot) at the meeting held for the purpose and shall be on a voting paper in the prescribed Form N0.3

In case of voting by post ,the voting paper, duly completed by the voter, and sealed in double sealed covers( the inner cover containing the voting paper but showing no indication identifying the voter, and the outer cover  containing name and address of the Voter) shall reach the Honorary General Secretary of the Association at least three days before the date of the meeting.

     Note-  For the purpose of this clause, delivery by special messenger shall be deemed  

               To be delivery by post .Votes sent by telegram shall not be considered.               

Presence of a member at a meeting shall cancel his written vote if any.

(iv)     Voting papers received by post, shall be kept intact as received by the Honorary General Secretary, and shall be entered in a register kept for this purpose in the from prescribed. For the purpose of counting, the voting papers so received shall be mixed up with those personally cast.

The Hony.Gen.Secretary shall issue the voting papers and envelopes to the residing outside India at least 30 days before the date of election by Air Mail and to the member residing within India at least 20 days befor the date of election.

The Honorary General Secretary shall issue the voting papers and envelops to the members along with the agenda of the annual extraordinary meeting, as the case may be at least 12 days before the date of such meeting.

In order to enable the Central Executive committee to conduct election properly, the committee shall appoint an Election committee of its own, consisting of the Honorary general Secretary and two others of its members, whose duty shall be to supervise the conduct of elections.

Where an election is to take place at any meeting of the Association such work shall from the first business item of the agenda after formal items.

At all the meetings  where  election forms part  of the agenda  a period of two hours shall be given to voters to enable  them to record their votes at the meetng.At the end of  period so fixed the ballot box shall be removed and no further record of votes shall be permitted.

Before asking the members to record their votes in the ballot box, the president of the meeting shall appoint to members of the Association, who are themselves eligible for voting but who are not candidates for election, to act as scrutinisers of the votes recorded.

If, as a result of the scrutiny of votes recorded at the meeting ,and of the voter received by post ,it is found that two or more members tie for a place and a selection has to be made out of them, such election shall be made by drawing lots by the president of the meeting.


(i)(a).Branches of the association can be established out side Aligarh and the same may be affiliated to the Parent Body by the Central Executive Committee on payment of an affiliation fee of Rs.1000/=

(b)The affiliation renewal fee of Rs.1000/= shall be paid by the concerned branch Association yearly in the month of April.

(ii). No branch association shall be affiliated by the parent body unless it has a Membership of at least 20.

 (iii). A Branch association which fails to send the affiliation fee by the 31st of May each year at the latest shall be reaffilated on payment of arrears of the Affiliation fee and a reaffiliation fee of Rs.25/- in addition.

 (iv). Branch association shall generally have aims and objects similar to those of the parent association and shall do nothing which will be prejudicial to the interest of the parent association. In particular they shall persuade the Old Boys of the University living  within their Jurisdiction to enroll themselves as members of the parent association.

(v).All branch association shall submit their annual reports to the Honorary General Secretary of the parent association so as to reach him at least one month before the Annual meeting. The date whereof shall be intimated by the Honorary General Secretary to the Secretaries of the branch Associations.

(vi).The reports so submitted shall include a list of the members of the branch association and a list of other Old Boys known to be living within the jurisdictions  of the branch association.

(vii).The branch association shall report to the Parent Association any case deaths among the Old boys within their jurisdiction and intimate to the Honorary General Secretary of the Association cases in which depends of the deceased Old Boys are likely to  seek assistance from the parent Association.          

(viii)The Honorary Secretary of a branch association during the term of his office shall be treated ex-officio member of the parent Body and will enjoy as privileges and rights attached to the parent Association, subject to the conditions  and restrictions laid down in these rules.

Note: - Members of the branch association except the Secretary, who are not members of the parent body, shall not enjoy any of the rights and privileges enjoyed by members of the Parent Body, except the attending of the annual or extra-ordinary General meeting of the Association and the use of the Old Boys Lodge as is used by members of the parent Association.


 The official and financial year of the Association shall be from Ist October to 30th September each year.


(i) (a)PRESIDENT: the president shall preside over the meeting, of the General Body and of the Central Executive  Committee.

(b)He may convene the meetings of the General Body and of the Central Executive Committee in case such meetings have been requisioned underrule9(B)(iii) and Rule 25 and in case the Hony.Gen.Secretary fails to convene such meetings within the prescribed time.

(ii)SENIOR VICE-PRESIDENT –The Sr.vice-President shall perform all the functions of the President in his absence.

(iii)A Senior Old Boy among the Vice-President shall perform the functions of the President in the absence of Sr.Vice-Presiden.

(iv)In the absence of the President, Sr.Vice-President, and the Vice-Presidents, the senior most Old Boy present in the meeting shall preside over the meeting of the General Body/Central Executive Committee.

17. DUTIES OF THE HONY.GEN.SECRETARY: The Hony.Gen.Secretary shall be the executive authority of the Association, and shall sue and be sued in the name of the Association.


(i)  to be incharge of the office of the association, the library of the association, the Old Boys lodge and other properties of the Association.     

(ii) to collect subscriptions and contribution from members of the association and branch associations.

(iii) to conduct correspondence with branch secretaries and old boys in furtherance of the aims and objects of the association.

(iv) to conduct all other correspondence on behalf of the Association.

(v) to make all arrangements in constitution with the Central Executive committee for the Annual meeting, the Old boys Reunion and all other meetings and functions of the association;

(vi) to prepare the agenda for the Annual and extraordinary meetings of the Association according to rules;

(vii) to submit at the Annual Meeting a detailed report of the work of the Association during the year under report including extract from the annual reports of the branch association.

(viii) to submit at the Annual Meeting for the approval of the Association, a statement of the Annual revenue  and expenditure for the year under report and    Budget estimates of revenue and expenditure for the next year, as approved by the   Central Executive Committee.

(ix) to be in charge of the funds and other accounts of the association’s journal and transact other necessary business regarding the journals.

(x) to do such other work as may be entrusted to him by the association and the Central Executive committee in furtherance of its aims and objects.


The Honorary General Secretary shall have the power:

 (i) to appoint,fine,grant or withhold increments or suspend or dismiss, clerical and subordinate staff of the Association drawing a salary “excluding allowance”upto Rs.100/= a  month.    He shall have the powers to fine or suspend servants of Association drawing a salary of more than Rs.100/=;

(ii)  to sanction leave to the clerical staff. For this purpose the rules and regulations governing the grant of leave in force in the University shall be followed in so far they are not inconsistent with the rules of the Association;

(iii) to spend upto Rs.1000/=in case of emergency when no provision exists in the budget for such expenditure, the fact should ,however, be reported to the Central Executive Committee at its next meeting for formal sanction of the Committee to the expenditure  in question.


 The duties of the joint Secretary residing at Aligarh shall be:

(i) to assist the Hony.Gen.Secretary in the discharge of his duties ;

(ii) to act for the Hony.Gen.Secretary and to be incharge of the Office work in the absence of the Hony.Gen.Secretary where such absence does not exceed one month. In case the HOny.Ge.Secretary remains absent for more than one month, the honorary .Joint Secretary shall report the matter to the Central Executive committee for necessary action.

(iii) The Senior Old Boy amongst the other joint secretaries shall perform the functions of the Hony.Geen.Secretary in the absence of the Joint Secretary residing at Aligarh.

21. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Central Executive committee shall have the following powers:

(i) to make all appointments of ,or,dismiss,servants whose salary exceed Rs.100/=

(ii) to decide representations, if any, against the orders passed by the Hony.Gen.Secretary under rule 19(i).

(iii) Scrutinise and finalize the annual financial estimates (statements) for the concluding year and the budget estimates for ensuing year as prepared and placed before it by the Hony.General Secretary.

(iv) to see that provision is made in the budget in respect of the servants of the Association for their salaries, promotions and dearness allowances according to the rule in vogue in the University, subject to the financial position of the Association.

(v) to discuss matters affecting the Association or the University either on its own or at the request  of the members of the Association.

(vi) to make provision in the budget for the award of Scholarship to children of Old Boys  and their near relations who are dependent on them; preference being given to those who are studying at the Muslim University and its allied institution;

(vii) To make Bye-Laws for;

(a) The formations and working of the Sub-Committees which may be formed under clause 3(vi);

(b) regulating the management and rent of the rooms of the Old Boys Lodge.

© regulating the award of educational loans and scholarship and such other matters as may be referred to it by the Association;

(viii) To establish and affiliate branches of the associations.

(ix)   To appoint one of its members to carry on the work of the association in case the Hony.Gen.Secretary and the joint Secretary are both absent from the headquarters.

(x) To lay down the policy for the associations journal and appoint editors and managers “ If necessary” for period which shall not exceed the term of the Central Executive committee itself and make all other necessary arrangement s in this behalf ,for then proper management and working of the journals;

(xi) to approve of the agenda for the meeting of the association and to scrutinize all motions,resulations and amendments which are not in order and in conformity with the rules of association.

(xii) to make steps,infurtherance of the objects of the association not otherwise in the rules,represention made to him ,may allow a motion,resulotion and amendment if in his opinion the Central Executive committee had wrongly excluded if from the agenda: and

(xiii) to take any steps in the interest of the association which is not defined in these rules and which is not inconsistent with them.

22.If ,due to any circumastances,the annual meeting has not been held ,or the budget has not been considered at such meeting the Central Executive Committee shall have the power of sanctioning a provisional budget for a period  not exceeding six month, provided that the Central Executive Committee shall then convene an extraordinary meeting of the association within this period of six months and the extraordinary meeting  so convened shall have all the powers of the Annual Meeting for the purpose of the budget.


(i) The date of the Annual Meeting shall be fixed by the Central Executive Committee and it shall be notified to the members not less than 42 days before the first day of the meeting.

(ii) All motions, including motions for change in the rules and all nominations for election shall reach the Honorary General Secretary not less than 30 days before the first day of the Annual meeting.

(iii) the Honorary General Secretary shall issue the agenda not less than 12 days before the first day of the meeting.

24.(i) The Agenda of the Annual and extraordinary meetings shall include :

(a) All business which has to be considered by the meeting in accordance with rules;

(b) any item the inclusion of which is directed by a previous meeting of the association or the Central Executive Committee .

(ii) Motions of members sent in accordance wit Rule 28(ii) including motions

for change in rules and nominations for elections shall be sent in writing  to the Honorary General Secretary and shall bear signatures of the mover and the seconder. 


(i) on the written request of not less than 20 members, the Honorary General Secretary shall Call an Extraordinary meeting of the association. He shall also call an Extraordinary Meeting of the Association if so directed by the Central Executive Committee.

(ii) The date of the Extraordinary Meeting shall be fixed by the Honorary General Secretary and notified to the members together with the Agenda of the Meeting not less than 10 days before the first day of such meeting.


(i) Each meeting shall be chaired by the President and in his absence as provided under Rule 16 above.

(ii) The Chairman shall regulate the conduct of the meeting, but this ruling on any point of order and on the interpretation of the rules shall be binding only on the meeting.

(iii) No motion shall be discussed unless it has been duly moved and seconded at the meeting.

(iv) All question discussed at a meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of votes.

(v) At all meetings of the General Body of the Association. Twenty members inclusive of the Chairman shall from a quorum.

27. ELECTION FOR MEMBERS OF THE UNIVERSITY COURT-On receipt of information from the University to elect of Association’s representatives for the University Court, the Honorary General Secretary shall call a meeting of the Central Executive Committee to fix a date for election, within a week (this time limit does not apply to the first election).

28. Not less than 90 days before the date fixed for election, the Hony.General Secretary shall prepare a list of those members who are eligible to contest or entitled to vote only, in accordance  with the Statutes and Ordinances of the University and rules of the Association and shall inform the members of the date fixed for election and shall also intimate that such lists are available and can be inspected at the office of the Association and can also be obtained on payment of cost of the copy.

29. Written objections for correction of lists, by aggrieved members must be sent to the Honorary General Secretary, within a period of 21 day from the date of preparation of the list mentioned under rule 28 of these rules.

30. The Central Executive Committee shall appoint an Election Committee in accordance with rule13 (vi) of these voles and that committee shall decide all objections and representations received under rule 29,its decision shall be final.

Provided that for the purpose of above rule 30 the rule 13(vi) of the rules of Association, shall be read as if the words” of its own” did not exist in line 4 of  sub rule (vi) and the words “two others of its members” shall be deemed as replaced by the words “any two members of the Association not being the candidates for election”.

31. A final list shall be prepared by the Honorary General Secretary, incorporating necessary changes, based on the decisions of the election committee. The final list shall indicate different categories of members in accordance wit h Statute and Ordinances of the University and rules of the Association.

32. The final list shall be issued to all concerned not less than 50 days before the date of election.

33. Nominations to the election of the University court shall be made in accordance  with rule 12 of these rules, which shall reach the Honorary General Secretary not less than 35 days before the date of election,.

34. All nominations thus received, shall be scrutinized by the election committee and the said committee shall have the power to accept or reject any nomination on the ground that it is not in conformity with the Statute and Ordinances of the University or these rules.

35. Conduct of elections and voting at elections shall be in accordance with the rule 13(i),(ii) and (v) of the rules of association.

36. Counting of votes shall be made by election Committee in presence of the candidates and their counting agents, if any.

37. If as a result of the scrutiny of the votes recorded it is found that one or more members tie for a place and a selection has to be made, such election shall be made by drawing lots by the chairman of the election committee (to be elected by the members of the said committee) in presence of other members.

38. FUNDS OF THE ASSOCIATION- The funds of the Association shall consist of: -

(i) Subscriptions of members:

(ii) Income from the property of the Association;

(iii) Special subscriptions raised by the Association Periodically or on a special occasion from members;

(iv) Contributions from branch associations;

(v) Donations;

(vi) Recovery of educational and other loans; and

(vii) All other receipts.

39. (i) The funds of the Association shall be spent for the objects of the Association mentioned in rule 2,provided that the income from Aftab Hostel and Rahmat Bano Hostel shall be utilized for providing material assistance to the students of Muslim University after meeting the cost of repairs of the Hostel,if any.

(ii) The educational loans, scholarships and other material assistance shall be awarded in accordance with the by-laws framed by the Central Executive Committee.

(iii) The funds of the Association shall be kept with a Bank approved by the Central Executive Committee.

40. BUDGET- Budget estimates of income and expenditure for the ensuing year shall be prepared by the Honorary General Secretary annually and placed before the Central Executive Committee, which shall finalize them. The estimates so finalized shall be duly circulated to the members along with the Agenda of the Annual Meeting of the Association, as per Rule23 (i) above.

41. REAPPROPRITAION OF FUNDS- The Central Executive committee may, in case of Emergency, transfer funds from one head to another, provided that the total expenditure remains within the sanctioned budget, and that provisions of Rule 28(i) are not thereby violated.

42. AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS- The accounts of the Association shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Central Executive Committee. The audit report shall be placed before the Central Executive Committee for its consideration. The report shall also be placed on the table of the budget meeting of the Association.


(i) No change in the rules of the Association shall be effected unless the change is approved by tow third of the members voting.

(ii) Change in Rule shall only be made at an Annual Meeting or at an extraordinary meeting specially called for the purpose.

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